a miracle of nature

yet undisturbed by human hand.

we reached this place, totally unexpected: a clear, still, magical mountain lake high up on 2700 m asl, at the foot of a receding glacier.

glasklarer see auf geschliffenen felsplatten

like an open-air spa😊 yet unspeakingly more beautiful. I sat in awe, taking in the beauty, the harmony. the quiet. the magic.

glasklarer see auf geschliffenen felsplatten, auf dem gaskocher nachtessen kochen
glasklarer see auf geschliffenen felsplatten im abendlicht

what a precious opportunity. what a privilege to have our little tents with us. so we could spend the night up here, put up our bivuac tents, cook a fine meal on our little gas cooker…

Abendstimmung am Gletschervorfeld
Morgendämmerung am Gletschervorfeld

… and experience the magical evening hours, the absolutely quiet night under sparkling stars, the breathtakingly still morning when the dawn colors gradually light up the sky while the near-full moon slowly set behind the rock wall.

we enjoyed this surreal place high up above the craze of civilization. looking down upon the earth, our everyday lives far away, down below. reflecting upon our dreams and desires, our life paths, and our place in the world. 

Klare Spiegelung im Bergsee

we had come across many beautiful places on our 4-day hike. spaces untouched by human hands. quiet places where mountain nature is all to herself. and we – as visitors – did our best to leave a minimal impact. to come as guests, respectful, appreciative, and wondering. in awe. aware of the unique moments we experienced:

of quiet. of grounding. of re.connection, of becoming one with nature.

Sonnenaufgang beim Bergsee
Morgenstimmung mit Bergpanorama, hoch oben am Gletscherfuss

on our dedicated attempt to discover our very own individual ecological niche, our innate place within the greater web of life.

unberührte Bergwelt mit Moos, Bergsee, Felsen
Mensch barfuss unterwegs in unberührter alpiner Landschaft

we also came across signs of human impact. of human dominance over nature. of the human species utilizing – exploiting – needing nature as a resource, as a source of energy to satisfy our ever-growing, never-satisfied need for material wealth. for consumer goods, for the power and the fuel needed to feed the illusion of continuous, never-ceasing economic growth.

where are we heading as a human species on this track?

under which legitimation do we exploit wild nature to satisfy our anthropocentric human needs?

Stausee, Lago di Naret, Eingriff in die alpine Landschaft, Mensch schaut von oben zum See
Bergsee in unberührter alpiner Landschaft, Mensch im Vordergrund geniesst die spezielle Stimmung

these are relevant questions. and it is important to raise them. to try and find answers that can strike a balance between using nature and appreciating, respecting, and protecting the wild spaces she still holds.

because without the possibility to retreat to such undisturbed places, to re.connect, to immerse, feel, sense, and experience nature’s embrace, we will degenerate, and lose our capacity to refuel and regenerate. and eventually, wither away and die – like a flower without water, light and nutrients – in the midst of the highest technological advance.

Morgenstimmung mit weitem Panorama, Mensch geniesst still auf Anhöhe