logo re.connect, transformative retreats in mountain nature of the alps & himalayas

individual journeys

your individually curated transformative retreat in himalayan mountain nature

logo re.connect, transformative retreats in mountain nature of the alps & himalayas

individual journeys

individual trekking scene, Pikey Peak

individual, personalised tours

if you would like to experience an individually curated, personalised tour to a specific destination, tailored to your individual priorities, wishes and needs, 1:1 or with friends, it is my pleasure to help you plan the trip and guide you along the way. if this sparks a flame in you, please get in touch with me directly.

your individual journey at the same time supports collective transformation: in recognizing the beauty & sacredness of the spaces we travel through, we reinstate appreciation of their great global significance as sanctuaries of natural power and regenerative value.

prayer flags on pikey peak
upper mustang, nepal
sunrise view on Lhotse Wall

suggested regions & itineraries – for inspiration

2-3 week tours, average physical level

3+ week tours, advanced physical level

individual trekking scene, Pikey Peak
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